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Elder Dr. Tonya Parker Davis is truly a Woman of God. She is saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. She accepted Christ into her life on September 19, 1990 and answered the call to preach the Gospel 18 years ago at Philippi Church of Christ Disciples of Christ on November 22, 1998.  

She graduated from the Southern Assembly School of Religion in July 2000 and was ordained an Elder in November of the same year. Elder Davis is a faithful member of the Grainger Chapel of Christ, Disciples of Christ under the leadership of the Honorable Bishop Robert E. Jones. Her commitment to her church and her calling have placed her in past and current leadership roles which include Chairperson of the Ministerial Executive Board for three consecutive years, Ministerial Association’s President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Advisor to the President. She currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Ministry for the Southern Assembly Churches of Christ, DOC, and Youth Sunday School Teacher. She is founder of New Life Ministries, which was birthed in July of 2014.Elder Davis is also an active participant in the Outreach and Evangelistic Ministries. God is also utilizing her in ministry to proclaim the rhema word to singles and married couples.

Elder Davis’ commitment to extending the walls of the church included her bi-monthly fellowship with the patients of the Farmville Health Care Nursing Home. She has also proclaimed the word of God at Women conferences throughout the state. Elder Davis is a firm believer and a “champion of the WORD”. She believes wholeheartedly that “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” (Romans 8:30) Her motto is “…work the works of him that sent [you],…” (John 9:4). Elder Davis utilizes every avenue to witness to the goodness of God which includes but is not conclusive of her place of employment, the grocery store, the highways, the byways and has even preached it on the mountain tops! She reveres God for the many gifts and callings that he has bestowed up her and for simply being the “I AM” in her life. “God is a wonder in my soul and I will bless his name!”

This woman of God is happily married to Trustee Gary Davis and they have two beautiful children; Galen and Tianna. She is a registered nurse by profession. She currently holds a Master’s of Science Degree in Nursing; specializing in Leadership and Management. Most importantly, she is a child of God!


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